Brick Estimate for 10" Wall

How much bricks required for 10" wall/sft?

If you want to estimate the numbers of brick require for your 10" wall and you need to know how much brick required for 1 sft wall, then follow below steps.
brick wall

You need two measurement for estimate of 10" brick wall.
1. Length of the wall (L).
2. Height of the wall (H)

Suppose, your wall length, L=50 ft. and Height, H=10 ft.

Now calculate the area of the wall.
Area of wall = L x H = 50 ft. x 10 ft. = 500 sft.
Bricks Require = 500 sft. x 11.5 pcs = 5750 pcs

Note: 11.5 pcs bricks need for 1 sft. 10" wall with wastage.
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July 9, 2017 at 9:47 AM ×


Selamat Orbit Design dapat PERTAMAX...! Silahkan antri di pom terdekat heheheh...
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